OpenCities Map 自述

WorkSpaceSetup.cfg 配置文件

WorkSpaceSetup.cfg 文件允许您自定义工作空间。msconfig.cfg 包含 WorkSpaceSetup.cfg 的如下内容:

%if exists ($(_USTN_CONFIGURATION)WorkSpaceSetup.cfg)
%  include $(_USTN_CONFIGURATION)WorkSpaceSetup.cfg

建议不要对随附的 WorkSpaceSetup.cfg 进行任何更改。您应将随附的 WorkSpaceSetup.cfg 复制到 ConfigurationSetup.cfg 文件中定义的自定义配置,然后对其进行自定义。


#  WorkSpaceSetup.cfg - Configures WorkSpace for Your Organization
# The main function of this Configuration File is to set the label that
# your organization wants to use for WorkSpaces. WorkSpaces are the 
# grouping mechanism for WorkSets. The label for this level of grouping 
# could be Client, Facility, Department, Owner, or whatever you would 
# like it to be. The default label is the neutral "WorkSpace". Uncomment
# the definition below, and set it to your preferred label.
# A second possible use for this Configuration File is to redirect the
# root directory where your Organization-wide standards are stored to somewhere 
# other than the default. The default is $(_USTN_CONFIGURATION)Organization/.
# It can be changed by redefining _USTN_ORGANIZATION.
# A third possible use for this Configuration File is to redirect the
# root directory where your WorkSpaces  are stored to somewhere other
# than the default. The default is $(_USTN_CONFIGURATION)WorkSpaces/.
# It can be changed by redefining _USTN_WORKSPACESROOT.
# Assume MY_WORKSPACES_LOCATION variable points to your desired network location like
#MY_WORKSPACES_LOCATION = //MyNetwork/MyWorkSpaces/

此文件中的注释解释了其三个主要用处 - 将工作空间标签设置为组织所需的值,并可能将组织范围标准数据和/或所有其他工作空间数据重定向到其他位置(例如网络共享)。